The Weekly View

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Sunday, May 31, 2020

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Dear St. Luke Community,

This Sunday is Pentecost. It’s the day we call the birthday of the church. It’s the day we celebrate the ways the spirit connects us as people of God. And so it seems it will be a great day to make it a party by combining Zoom worship with Sausalito Presbyterian Church and my good friend, the Rev. Paul Mowry.

Paul and I will both preach a shorter sermon and the format may change just slightly as he will introduce our church to some of the traditions of his church and we will do the same for them. There will be more faces to look at and breakout sessions after worship. Please wear or decorate with orange and red as we give thanks to God for the blessing that is the connectional Spirit sustaining us always.

See you Sunday on Zoom,


Posted by Nicole Trotter with
