The Weekly View

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Sunday, November 10, 2019

This Sunday

Dear St. Luke Community, 

This Sunday we hear from Mark 10:46-52; the story of Bartimaeus. You remember that one? That’s the story of the blind man who shouts out to Jesus for mercy while others in the crowd tell him to be quiet.

The word for blind can mean physically blind or psychologically blind. This morning in our Thursday meditation group we talked about what it means to be so attached to something; an idea, a person, fame, money; that we become blind to love.  

Anthony De Mello writes about how our attachments can blind us to what matters most in life.

De Mello uses the metaphor of a symphony, and writes this;

Imagine yourself listening to an orchestra in which the sound of a drum is so loud that nothing else can be heard. To enjoy the symphony you must be responsive to every instrument in the orchestra. To be in the state called love you must be sensitive to the uniqueness and beauty of every single thing and person around you. You can hardly be said to love what you do not even notice; and if you notice only a few things to the exclusion of others, that is not love at all, for love excludes no one at all; it embraces the whole of life.

If we understand Jesus as God’s love made flesh, then how are we, in our own lives, calling out for love to heal us and others? Are we allowing the crowds on the street and in our heads to shush us in shame? Or are we trusting the Christ who is with us, guiding us and hearing every instrument known to God? Come worship at 10:00 on Sunday and explore what it means to call out in faith for Jesus who sees and hears all.

See you Sunday,

Outreach and Deacon Ministry

All are welcome to attend 

St Luke’s November Food Drive Barrel ~ San Francisco-Marin Food Bank - Fill a Plate This Thanksgiving. Many families, homeless or not, won’t go hungry this Thanksgiving thanks to our help. St Luke will collect all varieties of canned proteins/meats:  Beans, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Chicken, Turkey, Beef. You may also donate funds using the green envelope and with the notation FOOD DRIVE. $1 = 2 Meals! When you fill an empty plate, you ease a worried mind and you improve nutrition to help kids eat healthier. Every food item and every $1 changes lives. Please give generously.

Ritter Center Christmas Gift Barrel ~ We are supporting Ritter Center of San Rafael. Ritter Center serves Marin families & individuals who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. St Luke’s Barrel will arrive Friday, November 8th. Simply take a tag from the Christmas tree in the Narthex and bring back an unwrapped gift for that child to the office by Thursday, December 12th.  Our barrel will be picked up by Ritter Center volunteers on Friday, December 13th. 

Mill Street Meal Providers ~  Monday, December 2nd, Group B
The first Monday of each month Group A or Group B is assigned a meal item to provide.

KIVA.ORG ~ St. Luke’s Women’s Association has supported KIVA for many years and they will be a Deacon’s Ministry in the Fall. KIVA is a San Francisco based non-profit that offers individuals or groups the opportunity to make a $25 or larger loan in many countries. 

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend 

St. Luke Stewardship Sunday ~ November 17th STEWARDSHIP 2020
A Wonder-Full Life-Giving Your Time, Talents and Treasure a special day to consider in assessing your commitment to St. Luke and its ministry in 2020. Letters and pledge cards will arrive this week. 

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, Nov. 19th, 6:30 PM
Creekside Pizza Professor Greg Love from SFTS (now the Graduate School of Theology at Redlands) will lead this meaningful and sometimes challenging conversation both November and December. (11/19 &12/17 6:30 pm) Please reserve your spot by emailing Nicole.

St. Luke Womens Association Annual Christmas Tea & Program Friday, December 6th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
SAVE THE DATE and invite your friends to enjoy St Luke’s Holiday cheer. The afternoon includes Tea, Coffee, Sweets, and Savories with a Music Program and a RAFFLE.

In preparation for the 2019 Christmas Tea coming up on December 6th, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, November 13 at 10:45 AM (after Bible Study) at St. Luke to discuss the planning(food, raffle, set up, tasks, Etc.) for the tea. All are welcome to attend. Please contact Wendy Quek for details and information at   or 415-302-6564.

First Annual St. Luke’s Christmas Concert ~ Sunday, December 8th, 4:00 PM
It’s not too early to start thinking about the holidays! Save the date for the first annual St. Luke Christmas Concert, featuring St. Luke members and friends as they share their gifts in song, music and a few surprises along the way. From classical to contemporary, there will be something for everyone in our decorated sanctuary. Following the concert, there will be a complimentary reception with beverages and appetizers in the Bayview Room. Be sure to invite friends and family, and start the Christmas season with music and friendship. All proceeds will go to benefit St. Luke ministries and church.

St. Luke 's Men's Group ~ 2020 dates TBA
Please direct questions to John Lenser at H-415.485.4333, C-415.446.8418 or

Celebrate Christmas with St. Luke

Advent Sundays:
December 1st ~ HOPE
December 8th ~ PEACE
December 15th ~ JOY
December 22nd ~ LOVE
December 18th ~ Wednesday 7:00 pm Blue Christmas service.
December 24th ~ Tuesday 5:30 pm Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, Cider and Cookies prior to service.

Ongoing Events

All are welcome to attend 

Bible Study - Wednesdays at 9:30 AM
St. Luke Choir Rehearsal - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Women's Spirituality Group - Thursdays at 9:00 AM
Deacons Meeting - 2nd Tuesday, November 12th, 6:00 PM
Pizza and Theology - 3rd Tuesday, November 19th, 7:00 PM
St. Luke Women’s Bridge - 4th Tuesday, November 26th, 10:30 AM
Session Meeting - 4th Tuesday, November 26th, 7:00 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
