The Weekly View

The Weekly View - March 24, 2022


In This Issue
  • Weekly Message from Pastor Andrew P. Quick
  • Announcements & Upcoming Events
  • Outreach Opportunities & Updates
Weekly message from pastor andrew

Dear St. Luke Community:

In two weeks we will be participating in Story Groups.  This is a chance for us to gather in smaller groups and share stories with one another.  It is also a chance for me to hear about you and for you to ask me questions.  I hope you will join me at one of the four Story Groups.  We will laugh together, ask questions of one another, and share about where God is moving in our lives.  Each Story Group will be co-hosted by me and a deacon.  The available times are listed below and you will be invited to sign up after church on Sunday.  Or you can email me and I will add your name to the group of your choice.

  • Monday (4/4/22 @ 11 am) at 15 Oak Grove Drive, Novato
  • Tuesday (4/5/22 @ noon) at the church
  • Saturday (4/9/22 @ 1 pm) at the church 
  • Sunday (4/10/22 @ 2 pm) on Zoom

I look forward to seeing you Sunday for our fourth week of Lent as we study the parable of the Prodigal Son.  We will examine art, reflect, and be invited to find ourselves in the parable Jesus offers.

As always, please reach out to me via email at: or via phone at: 831.207.7356.

Peace be with you all,
Andrew Quick 

Posted by Andrew P. Quick with

The Weekly View - March 17, 2022


In This Issue
  • Weekly Message from Pastor Andrew P. Quick
  • Announcements & Upcoming Events
  • Outreach Opportunities & Updates
Weekly message from pastor andrew

Dear St. Luke Presbyterian Community,

Perhaps you realize we have two amazing small groups that meet weekly.  First, on Tuesday morning a small group of us get together to talk about the upcoming Sunday scripture.  Later in the week, on Thursday mornings, we gather together for a time of meditation.  Both of these groups are open to all.  There are no prerequisites, no tests you have to best, or answers you must give.  You don’t have to know specific scriptures or be good at sitting still.  All you need is a sense of humor, imagination, and a willingness to listen.

This week in Bible study, our normal group of six, was a group of two and a half of us.  (I say “half” because one person’s internet kept cutting in and out).  We took our time telling stories, asking questions and offering answers that only lead to more questions.  I hope everyone will get a chance to attend once in a while.  There is no commitment, so please come on Tuesday morning and join us, even if you just want to listen.

If you need a deep cleansing breath, come join us Thursday.  We begin the time with a short check-in and then we launch into a mindfulness practice that allows us to center ourselves and invites us to let go of anxieties.  Using art, music, visualization technique, and silence, the Spirit offers restoration to our weary souls.  This time is one of wholeness and healing for all who are overwhelmed by the news and toils of daily living.

I hope you might be able to join us for one, or both, of these gatherings in the coming weeks. As always, please reach out to me via email at: or via phone at: 831.207.7356.

Peace be with you all
Andrew P. Quick

Posted by Andrew P. Quick with

The Weekly View - March 10, 2022


In This Issue
  • Weekly Message from Pastor Andrew
  • Announcements & Upcoming Events
  • Outreach Opportunities & Updates
Weekly message from pastor andrew

Dear St. Luke Presbyterian Community:

Thank you to all who were able to attend the Ordination/Installation service last Sunday afternoon.  A big thank you to all the volunteers who help plan, set up, lead worship, serve and host.  What a great opportunity to share the St. Luke church with many of my friends, family, and mentors.  Thank you!

While I sit here reflecting on the joyful celebration this weekend, I am aware that, like Jesus in the desert, the Spirit is calling us to go into the world live the path of peace.  Reading the newspaper about what is happening in Ukraine reminds me that the peaceful kingdom of God is far from reality.  It is overwhelming and difficult.  I find myself lacking the words to pray for peace and so I would like to share this prayer written by Rev. Emily Brewer, Executive Director of Presbyterian Peace Fellowship:

We sigh. We sigh because words cannot express our anguish, our hurt, our despair, knowing that siblings in Ukraine are fleeing their homes for their lives, that the cities and towns that hold memories and culture and history may be destroyed. 

Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that the Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. And so we sigh. Let us breathe together. 

(take a deep breath)

May our sighs remind us
that we all share the same air;
that what impacts one of us impacts all of us;
that life is precious to God and war is never necessary. 

May our sighs be a prayer
for every Ukrainian who worries about surviving today; 
for those who will not survive this invasion;
for those who will survive and be forever changed by the trauma of war;
for those Russian soldiers who question their orders and refuse to use their weapons.

May our sighs be a prayer
for nuclear deproliferation;
for an end to the sin of imperialism and colonization.

May our sighs be a prayer for truth, peace, and solidarity to guide each of us;
May our sighs be a prayer for Ukraine and the whole world.
May our sighs fill our bodies with air 
to breathe through grief and fear and 
fill us with courage and connection, 
so that we are ready to act in solidarity with Ukraine, 
for an end to this war 
and all war.

Friends, let us join together on Sunday to sigh, sing, and reflect on the healing power of Jesus.  As always, please reach out to me via email at:   or via phone at: 831.207.7356.

Peace be with you all,
Andrew Quick

Posted by Andrew P. Quick with

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